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We're still in the process of updating the blog to reflect Publer's new look. Contact us if you need help.

Not all Superheroes save lives

Feb 8th, 2017 Announcement


Some save you from the time you spend on Facebook, which is probably the same thing.


Meet Publer 2.0!

Did you like the video? Don't forget to it with your friends!


What do you think of Publer's new look?

Besides the looks, Publer has new Superpowers! (scroll down)




He's also on Product Hunt!

We would appreciate your support (your vote) to make him go viral:


Finally, Some Updates


  • Watermarking videos and setting the video thumbnail is now possible! You can either select any of the thumbnails generated from the uploaded video, or you can upload a custom one. Keep in mind that you cannot set the thumbnail for videos posted to Profiles, Groups or Events. It only works for videos posted to Facebook Pages.

  • Speaking of watermarking, you now have full control. Besides setting the watermark transparency and position, you're now able to also set its size. The default size is 3% of the size of the photo or video you're using the watermark on.

  • You can now delete multiple scheduled posts, saved drafts and reposts at once simply by selecting them and clicking the "Delete" button as shown below. The "Select All" button might also come in handy if you're planning to delete everything.

  • Minimum of two photos per Album is no longer a requirement! New Albums can now be scheduled even with one photo. Keep in mind that when posting multiple photos to existing Albums, you still need to upload at least two photos. You can always use the Photo tab to schedule and post individual photos to existing Albums.

  • Performance improvements

  • Bug fixes

Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions