How to use Trains
Apr 19th, 2017
This is a concept that was introduced to us by one of you. Thank you Sandy!
Submit your ideas or feature requests on our feedback page!
Trains are basically Page Admins helping each other grow their Facebook Pages. You share my Page, I share yours kind of a thing. In the share for share (S4S) groups, group admins create posts that they call Trains. In each post (Train), users leave as a comment the link to their Page.
All the users that want to participate agree to share on their Pages each link from that Train.
Publer's Bulk Scheduler now makes it very easy to load links from a Train. You don't have to copy, paste and manually schedule each link one by one.
All you need to do is basically select the S4S group, find the Train and Publer will load all the links from the selected Train in the multi-post form as shown below.
Once the links have been loaded, you can then edit, delete the ones you don't want or even add new posts.
Select a time for each post or let Publer do that for you ( AutoScheduling ) and hit Bulk Schedule!
Some Info
In order to load Trains from groups in which you're not an admin, you need to enable the app used for trains. A one-time thing!
This Superpower comes with both paid versions of Publer (Argentum and Aurum), but you can still try it for FREE up to 5 times.